Anti-Parasite and Anti-bacteria Foods

The warmer temperatures of Spring and Summer are here, and with them come something else... PARASITES.. 

This article isn't to scare readers into taking any unneccessary precautions or to make them overconcerned about the well-being of their fish - but we do want people to be aware. Keeping hobbyists informed allows us to minimize fish loss and maximize their enjoyment out of their outdoor water feature.  

Harmful bacterias and parasites thrive in warmer conditions. Fortunately, there are a few extra steps we can take as pond owners to help protect our finned friends! Occasionally feeding with anti-parasitic and antibacterial foods is a great way to help ward off harmful infections, as well as rid of any existing ones. These medicated foods are one of the best ways to help tackle already existing populations of internals parasites.

Occsionally dosing the pond with Melafix (an antibacteril), and Pimafix (antifungal) is another great way to help protect your fish. These all natural products are safe for fish, plants, and any other existing life within the pond. If the parasite or bacterial infection already is already well established we would recommend talking to one of our experienced staff members about the proper medication for your pond (it is very important to properly diagnose these ailments so that we can recommend the right medication.